Throughout the Siana region of the Maasai Mara, local rangers must monitor and react to the shrinking elephant corridors in order to prevent future collisions of man and beast.

BEING WITH ELEPHANTS follows a group of local Maasai rangers who educate their community about the importance of elephants to the ecosystem as well as methods to coexist on the land that they all live upon. The rangers, as part of the Elephant Aware Conservancy, strive to aid in the prevention of human-animal conflict by engaging with those that may come face-to-face with wildlife. During the course of the film the rangers will make a heartbreaking discovery which stands as a continuing reminder of the work that lies before them.


Director, Producer - James Martin
Director Of Photography, Editor - Bud Simpson
Composer & Music Supervisor - Joshua Green
Additional Music By - Vanacore Music, Inc.
Sound Mixer - Clint Jones
Transcription Services - Evie Maina


VIDEO: Atlanta ADUs